Cooperation in Aquaculture

Cooperation in Aquaculture

  •   Vietnamese delegation from MARD visits Israel
    ​A Vietnamese delegation from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development including leaders and officials from Science, Technology and Environment Department, Research Institute for Aquaculture had a working visit to Israel during June 25-30
    (Meeting with Israeli Minister of Agriculture)
    The trip was organized for strengthening understanding about fisheries scientific research and technology development between Vietnam and Israel, researching Isreal's programs on breeding selection for tilapia, giant river prawn and seabass, ​recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) for breeding and fisheries farming, ​polyculture system, transfering algae (e.g. spirulina) culturing technology... It also aimed at seeking for opportunities for research collaboration and technology transfer in fisheries aquaculture (including fisheries bio-technology) between research institutes and companies of Vietnam and Israel. The delegation met Israel’s leading agricultural researchers and visited modern technology models
     (Visit Israel's National Center for Aquaculture)
     (Visit Israel's National Center for Aquaculture)
    Since the establishment of diplomatic relations in 1993, the cooperation in agriculture between Israel and Vietnam has been increasing recently. Vietnam has great potential for developing aquaculture for exports. The study visit contributes to the mutual understanding and bilateral relationship between Israel and Vietnam enhanced.
     (A model of raising fish in Israel)